We have been in business since 1966 and we just celebrated our 46th Anniversary. Since our beginnings, our philosophy has always been to protect our environment and preserve our natural resources. We continue to evaluate our processes and make any operational changes necessary to reduce our impact on the environment. We remain committed to environmental sustainability and continually pursue the next best way to be green. At Quality Chemical we recycle paper, corrugated cardboard packaging, plastics, metals, wooden pallets as well as waste water. We shut off lights during non-business hours and run our forklifts on clean-burning propane fuel to save energy and reduce our carbon footprint.
We continue to explore the large and small changes that can make a lasting difference in preserving our most precious resource: OUR WORLD.
Green Chemistry
“Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.” Green chemistry is innovative, smart and ethically responsible. The most successful chemical companies of the future will be those who exploit its opportunities to their competitive advantage and the most successful chemists of the future will be those who use green chemistry concepts in Research and Development, innovation and education. Quality Chemical practices green-chemistry whenever possible and continues to research and develop new cleaners and soaps that are environmentally-friendly to meet the growing demand of our customers. The immediate benefit is that these all natural, readily biodegradable, non-toxic formulas are completely safe for the environment, the user, and virtually all surfaces and materials.
Our extensive line of green chemicals and equipment
QUALITY CHEMICAL COMPANY introduces its green chemical products, the ideal alternative to the hazardous, toxic chemicals often used in demanding commercial and industrial applications. We offer an environmentally-friendly cleaner for nearly every application. All of the paper products we sell are made from renewable forests and contain large amounts of post-consumer recycled materials. “GREEN” is becoming the worldwide standard and QUALITY CHEMICAL continues to produce products that are environmentally-friendly and that work great. Please visit out website for a complete list of our environmentally-friendly green cleaning solutions as well as green cleaning equipment with reduced emissions and noise output.
For full list or more information on our green chemicals and equipment please visit www.QualityChemical.com/store/green.aspx